The Orion-X Airline has the valid Certificate of General Aviation Operator No. AON-08-13-111 (valid until 20.02.202).
The Orion-X Airline performs the complete flight dispatching 24/7. It makes it possible for our clients to minimize the time losses when the departure and arrival.
The professional team of technical specialist is ready at any time to provide a highly qualified support to the clients.
The Orion-X makes the registration of aircraft in the registers of Aruba, Isle of Man, Cayman Islands and Bermuda Islands and, at the client’s wish, assists in registration in Europe.
The Orion-X assists in selection of the aircraft for purchasing, including leasing and organizing the funding for the bargain.
Insurance of the aircraft of the Orion-X Airline is carried out by the HAYWARD AVIATION Ltd. – one of the leading international aviation insurance brokers (located in London, the subsidiary of the Jardine Lloyd Thompson Group).
The company’s engineers can conduct an independent audit of the aircraft operation.
In order to ensure the maximum convenience for the clients, the Orion-X Airline has its own Service Department.